4 Best Healthy Snack Food, The Most Recommended - If you want to snack, choose nutritious snacks instead of calories but no nutrients. If you want to snack, start with a glass of water. Choose snacks such as vegetables, fruits, fish, boiled eggs, vegetable protein foods such as tofu, tempeh, etc.. Snacking does not have to feel satisfied, just to put food into the stomach. Finish with a glass of water anymore. If you consume enough water, adequate fiber, protein adequacy, feel hungry in between meals (main) can be avoided, because it all makes you feel full longer.
We must be wise in choosing a healthy snack. Bad habit of choosing snacks that can lead to the risk of obesity, heart health and glucose intolerance. Without realizing it, many of us were snacking to increase intake of calories per day. according to a survey, 25% - 50% of our caloric intake is actually derived from the activities of snacking.
Here are 4 best healthy snack
1. Crackers, granola bars
Make wheat cracker as your healthy snack. Granola bars are made from a mixture of nuts, wheat, and honey can also be an option, because these foods are high in fiber, low in sugar, as well as offering valuable protein.
2. Hummus and vegetable
This is a quick idea as well as delicious. All you need is some hummus and a cup of chopped vegetables, then dipped into it, such as carrots, broccoli florets cucumber, celery, and tomatoes. For hummus, use all you want, such as green beans and a little lemon juice. If you must use oil, try olive oil.
3. Oatmeal
Unlike most people's perception, oatmeal can be consumed not only at the breakfast. As a source of fiber, oatmeal can make you feel full for a longer time. In addition, the oatmeal can reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Oatmeal contains a high content of vitamins and minerals and you simply add some honey or raisins to make it taste not bland.
4. Fruit
Cut apples or bananas at any time during the work day is the best choice for making snacks. Fruits such as oranges and red wine also can be your healthy menu choices. Most of the fruit contains 80 percent of water will keep you hydrated. Fruits are also relatively safe to be consumed in large quantities due to cholesterol free and has high anti-oxidant value.
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